
Sunday 4 March 2018

"How I Built My Faith In God"

I built my faith in God in a funny way.

When I was young, I was the playful type, dad would expect me to stay within the compound but trust me, I left the house as soon as he wasn't watching.

Back then in my family, the wages of such offence is flogging, the type of flogging that could be at strange hours of the night if you're smart enough to play hide and seek at daytime, escaping temporarily.

My dad never forgets offences that deserves flogging, his memory is generally"sharp".

I remember one day I had gone out to play soccer and I came back home really late, if the monkey post isn't scattered, nothing would make me leave. I was so sure there would be another round of serious flogging, I got home and truly, pankere was already in its conspicuous location in dad's room, this particular pankere was different, it's the type that leaves you with marks.

I knew I was in for a show that night, all my hide and seek ends at night, I would still have to sleep at home, and dad had a way of waking you up at midnight, he would invite you to the sitting room, start some " thou shall not disobey your father and mother" sermon, with pankere tucked somewhere behind the Sette, once done with sermon (which is majorly meant to make you wake up fully so you can feel the pain of the flogging that is about to happen), the next is floɠging.

I knew I was in for trouble, so for the first time in my life, I hid somewhere and prayed that God would make dad forget to flog me, I knew it had never happened that dad would forget such, but I prayed all the same, and I went to sleep.

I woke up at midnight myself, waiting for judgement, 1am, 2, 3, 4, and I slept off.

Dad never remembered, it was a miracle more vivid to me than the turning of water to wine!

Since then, whenever I committed an offence, I would pray, and Dad wouldn't remember, but if and whenever I forgot to pray, dad would remember to flog the stubbornness out of me.

If God would answer the prayers of a punishment deserving erring kid, all because I had a little faith, how much more when you pray to him with an heart of holiness?

God is real, all you have to do is talk to Him in whatever way you can.

Happy Sunday all, may your faith move mountains this week, amen!

Ilesanmi S. IYANULOLUWA writes from Lagos, Nigeria

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