
Sunday 25 March 2018

Is It Good For Married People To Watch Porn?

I strongly disagree that married couples should involve in it. The porn stars are demonized.

Why should you watch demons in action in order for you to enjoy your sex life? Sex is a

Beautiful gift from God to be enjoyed within the main institution. There are other ways you can enjoy your sex life with your spouse than resort to pornography. Most addicts eventually do not enjoy sex with their spouses because they have a superficial learning of sex in porn.

They expect their spouses to be wild on bed during all sorts of Gymnastics. When they're don't see this, they are disappointed. Some married couples watch pornography and they think it is ok. It is very wrong.

How can you look at another woman's unclothedness in order to make love to your own wife? Do they have the same body?

Some men watch pornography and begin to compare their wives body parts to the ones they watch or have seen.

That is why sexual abstinence remains the best. You will have no reason to compare your spouse in bed with your previous sexual partners.

Some women who watch pornography will begin to complain about the size of their husband’s manhood later. How did they know the size, whether it is too small or too thin, they have defiled their eyes before then. You will now see their husbands being concerned and begin to use things for joystick enlargement or elongation; At the expense of their health.

The damaging effect of pornography is too much to be written, I pray God opens our eyes of understanding in Jesus name, Amen.

Some men after seeing other women's body parts while watching pornography becomes sexually frustrated with their wives.

This has led to many involving in adultery, they don't understand that those things they watch are not as real as they think.

If I get this question correctly, does it mean that you are watching porn and you have seen no side-effects? There is no way someone indulges in sin and will have no side effects.

Romans 6:23 Amplified Bible (AMP)’’23:For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God [that is, His remarkable, overwhelming gift of grace to believers] is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.’’

It does not change, you might not see the consequences immediately but it does not free you from its negative consequences.

Pornography it like a slow poison, it destroys gradually. It is like a time bomb; some might take time before they explode committing fornication or adultery, but one day, they might just fall into the sin except they repent. Besides, the time you spend watching it can be channelled to do something more profitable

On improving your spiritual and physical life. God expects each and every one of us to be His voice.

Preach the word. If God has delivered you from it, allow God to use you bring others out.

When Bathsheba was taking her bath, she would probably not have expected David to look but he looked. We must be good examples to unbelievers by dressing well. Men are attracted by sight.

There's no valid excuse for spiritual deficiencies.

Provision for cure has been made available in Christ. If you don't look at the CROSS and live, you'll look at the devil and die. If we must manifest, we must embrace holiness within and without.

In conclusion, married couples should not watch pornography, if we must attain sexual purity, it is both for the single and the married ones.

Don't be ashamed to share your testimony.

Remember that you are saved to serve.

Do not die in silence.

Be firm in your decision.

Be accounted to a minister of God or a matured believer.

If you are willing to come out of this bad habbit, pray: "Loud Jesus I accept you as My Lord and personal Saviour, come into my life"

After doing this, now tell God to release you from sexual addictions, burn the bridges that may want to take you back there

Don't allow the devil use you as a live pornography to make others fall!

May God bless us all.

Source: http://www.thebelievershub.com/2018/03/is-it-good-for-married-people-to-watch.html?m=1
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