
Sunday 4 March 2018

Marriage: Enjoying The Full Blessings - By Akin

Marriage is a beautiful thing. This is so true that it makes me smile ☺- even as I type this, yep! I believe that God instituted marriage as a means by which humans may better live life in a fulfilling way. Even the Scriptures show us that God specially favors a man who finds a wife....Proverbs 18:22 (Message Translation) says, Find a good spouse, you find a good life--and even more: the favor of GOD! Can you imagine that?! Awesome stuff. If this is true, and it is, one may wonder why success in marriage is not quite the experience of many today.

Now, we took a little survey from a program aired on a local radio station and discovered the following results; about 20% of married couples are just getting by in their marriage while reporting that it's 'just normal', another 30% of couples today are totally loving it, I mean everyday sunshine � and butterflies kinda experience, they're having the time of their lives. However, a chunk of about 50% are in trouble in their marriage, wishing they hadn't been with their spouses or even regretting they ever married altogether in the first place. Some even reported that they've been depressed since the second or third year after exchanging their vows on the altar. How sad, isn't it?

I think it matters to a significant extent that every Christian refers to God's Word as the foremost source of wisdom for life, including marriage. This is because, marriage is not a man-made institution. God founded the institution of marriage. (Genesis 2:22-24). He intends for every member of the sacred institution of matrimony to have a sweet, healthy and fulfilling experience, Proverbs 19:14 says, House and riches [are] the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife [is] from the LORD. God seeks to bless us, desiring for couples to enjoy and rejoice together all their lives.

But, how can one enjoy these blessings in one's marriage? How can a man activate and benefit from God's special favour reserved for the husband? What does the scripture mean by the statement "one flesh"...? All these and more is to come in the next issue of the series, *MARRIAGE - Enjoying The Full Blessings* on the No 1 Christian Lifestyle Blog.

Written by- Akinloluwa Olayinka.
Contributions- Pastor Lams �
Stats source- Inspiration FM, Lagos, Nigeria (92.3).
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