
Sunday 11 March 2018

On Dakwambo’s Presidential Bid: Profile Check

Dr. Ibrahim Dankwambo, governor of Gombe State and poster child for distinction in leadership in Nigeria, is no doubt a rare gem, a man known to be in a class of his own and we as a people must not shy away from the fact to our own detriment.

Dankwambo is known and adjudged a performer par excellence. A fantastic presidential material, he is the kind of man Nigeria needs at this trying and critical moment of its existence.

A world class accountant cum financial expert, Dankwambo is a purposeful, focused, detribalised, young, and someone Nigerians can entrust with governance and be rest assured of a quick turn around in the nation’s fortunes.

He demonstrated unusual competence while at Central Bank of Nigeria and was noticed by the then Gombe State government which appointed him its Accountant General and upon sighting his feats in Gombe State he was immediately snatched by the then led Federal Government of Obasanjo who made him Accountant General of the Federal, while in 2011 he heeded the call and invitation of his people to lead them as Executive Governor and was so elected.

His experience and level of education, with a Ph.D in Financial Accounting, Ph.D in Financial Management, one time Accountant General of the state, one time Accountant General of the Federation and one time Accountant General of Africa, have given him opportunity and the people of Gombe are tapping from it.

Gombe’s allocation is about the least in the federation account but that doesn’t stop Dakwambo from embarking on huge projects. The governor has constructed more than 500 kilometers of roads across the state capital alone while connecting many areas and states like Adamawa, Bauchi and Borno. He has embarked on an agricultural revolution in Gombe by supplying agricultural implements, farm inputs, training of farmers and assisting the farmers with loans. So many things have been achieved so far.

There is no gainsaying the obvious that Dankwambo is simply the perfect man for the job at hand of Mr. President 2019 due to his vast experience as an administrator, a technocrat and a world class financial manager. He has transformed Gombe into a mega city to the envy of other states in Nigeria with the meager resources at his disposal.

Dankwambo (Talban Gombe), born on the 4th of April, 1962 in Gombe, holds a B.Sc in Accounting, M.Sc economics; PhD ; Post Graduate Diploma in Computer science. FCA( Fellow Chartered Institute of Accountant); FCIB( Fellow Chartered Institute of Bankers); FCTI( Fellow Chartered Institute of Taxation); FNIM(Fellow Chartered institute of Management); FNIM(Fellow Chartered institute of Marketing); FES( Fellow Nigerian Economic Society).

His genres of training include Harvard University, Cambridge, Boston Massachusetts, USA on Global Financial System, Crises, Prospects and Solutions; DUKE University, DCID, Durham, NC 27708,USA on Budgeting and Financial Management in the Public Sector; Stanford University, Stanford Business School, 518, Memorial Way, USA, CA, USA-Financial Management Programme.

He worked with the Central Bank of Nigeria (1988-1999). He was Accountant General of Gombe State 1999-2005; Accountant General of the Federation 2005-2011. As the AGF, he chaired and served in very numerous committees and Board member of some Government parastatals at various times. He was the President/Chairman of the Forum of Accountants-General and Auditors – General in West Africa (FAAGWA), and had earlier, served as the Protem Secretary of the same organisation.

Dakwambo has been practicalizing all that he has studied while he has also taken advantage of his educational qualifications to distinguish himself in the various positions of leadership. The Nigeria of our dreams is possible with Dankwambo. Let us come together, join our hands in support of his presidential aspiration for a better Nigeria we all crave for.

-Adeniyi is based in Abuja

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