
Sunday 25 March 2018

Why True Christians See Leah Sheribu As A Huge Source Of Inspiration

We have all heard about the young Christian girl, Leah Sheribu who refused to denounce Jesus Christ. But let me give a quick brief for the sake of those who might not know. Leah Sheribu was among the 105 Dapchi schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram Islamist terrorists. She was however not released cos she refused to denounce Jesus Christ and put on the hijab. This angered the terrorists and made them hold her back while the the Muslim girls were released.

Going through social media, I came across certain comments concerning the issue that were really nauseating cos they appeared to be coming from people who call themselves Christians. Some said she was a fool for not denying Jesus Christ. They said she should have done that to save her life. Then the moment she regains her freedom she can become Christian again. People who make such comments are those that have been deceived by their prosperity preaching pastors that a rapture will make them escape the Great Tribulation which they are not prepared for and which is upon us already.

For those who know what true Christianity is, we see Leah Sheribu as a huge source of inspiration. What she did is equivalent to what the Apostles of Jesus Christ and the early disciples did. They stood by their faith till death.

Leah obeyed Jesus Christ in so many ways. See what Jesus said in the verse below.

Mathew 10:37
"Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me;

Can your child obey the words of Jesus? Can you as a child obey? While majority of us will be eager to return home and willing to do anythng to see our parents again, Leah didn't cos the situation that provides such will make her lose her faith. She decided to love Jesus more than her parents. Did her parents see her action as stupid? No, cos they are happy they taught their daughter well and she just proved it. Read her father's statement below.

"Boko Haram insurgents decided not to release my daughter because she refused to denounce Christ,” Sharibu told reporters today. “I am happy for that, even though as a father I wish she had returned home as the rest. But God is in control.”

Her parents sure know the word of God for them to be so strong now. They know that...

Mathew 10:37
... anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

To those who said she should have accepted Islam which is the total denial and rejection of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, then go back home to renounce Islam, you really need to study the Bible very well. The moment you deny Jesus, count it that he will deny you in Heaven as well.

Mathew 10:32-33
32 Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father in heaven.
33 But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven.

Oh, the game plan is for her to save her life, right? If you were the one, you will quickly deny Jesus just so you can save your life, right? See what Jesus Christ himself said again in the Bible verse below.

Mathew 16:25
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

Do you know when you will lose your life? It is when it's time to have eternal life that you will be given death cos you failed to endure the common death which you still eventually faced. You denied Him just to save your life which you later lost. So therefore, He will deny you eternal life.

2 Timothy 2:12
If we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us;

Mathew 10:38
and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me

Beloved, do not be afraid of laying down your life for Christ. He has given you the promise of eternal life if you suffer for his name sake. You are going to wear a crown of glory which is beautiful than anything you can imagine.

Revelations 2:10
Don't be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into prison to test you. You will suffer for ten days. But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life.

There is nothing like saying one thing and meaning the other. That is pure lie. If Leah Sheribu had denied Jesus and claimed to be Muslim before the Islamist terrorists, she would have ended up a LIAR to her God, cos that's what she did. We all think Christianity is all about going to Church to dance and shout the loudest Amen when a prayer about prosperity is offered by shady pastors. We have forgotten what the early apostles suffered to ensure Christianity spread throughout the world. Some of them were beheaded, which is similar to what Boko Haram is doing (this should give you an hint to where the Antichrist will come from). Others were fed to lions alive at the coliseum while some were thrown alive into huge pot of hot oil. But today, all we care about is how we will go to Church in very beautiful clothes, lovely Brazilian hair, nice cars and the best perfumes. All of that is the reason why we refuse to go and preach the gospel when called upon. This is the reason why many of us will deny Jesus Christ when faced with death from terrorists like ISIS, Al Shabab, AlQaeda, Boko Haram etc. It is all because we love the world more than God. The moment you are threatened to deny Jesus Christ, know that He is there watching you to see whether you are truly His disciple. The only reason why you would want to say you are not a Christian is simply because you were never a Christian. If you were, you will know that the confession of your mouth matters cos it can either destroy you or save you.

Romans 10:10
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

It is what you have in your heart that you confess. If you've been fed with the true word of God from the scriptures, you will never for once deny that you are Christian cos your makeup is Christian and your brain thinks everything Christian.

Luke 6:45
... for of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaketh.

If you lie to save your life, then it means you love the world more than God. You love your parents more than God. You love your children more than God. This means you will lose your soul.

Mathew 16:26
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

To the parents of Leah Sheribu, you have shown the entire world how a Christian parent ought to behave. You have taught your daughter in the way of the Lord and she has not disappointed you. You will be greatly rewarded. You are a jewel in the eyes of true Christians. We adore you and pray for the safe return of your daughter.

As for Leah Sheribu, you shall never be put to shame. You have done what many so-called vice president and pastors cannot do for their faith. You have stood firm even in the jaws of the beast. You are a great inspiration to all those who await the return of their Lord and Savior. You have not loved mother and father more than Jesus. You have not loved the world. You based all your hope in Christ Jesus. You will be released and returned to your parents in good health and in strength. You will become a celebrated person in Christ. You have become a champion cos you have defied the army of the philistines. You have rejected the hijab and chose freedom instead of slavery. You chose the side of Sarah the free woman and legitimate wife of Abraham instead of the slave and rejected woman called Hagah whose children are slaves eternally. You are what every Christian daughter should be, not those who spend all their time watching immorality celebrated on TV. We all pray for you and will rejoice at your return cos you will never be put to shame. 105 girls were kidnapped, but I believe your name has overshadowed theirs even in capture. This is one of the beauty of suffering for Jesus Christ. Imagine how more famous you will become after your release. God has made your trying times to be a lesson to those who hold fast. You are blessed.

Romans 10:11
As Scripture says, "Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame."

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