
Sunday 29 November 2020

Love Of Money Vs Sexual Lust: Which Is More Difficult To Overcome?

Love Of Money Or Sexual Lust? Which Is More Difficult For A Believer To Overcome?

I used to seriously struggle with both issues before I repented and surrendered my life to God, but immediately I did, I noticed the love of money that used to lead me to steal and cheat others immediately died. The sudden change in my life was something that was remarkable and astounding. I never expected it to be so sudden because prior to that I was very covetous and materialistic at the time, and at the same time I was a men-pleaser, so I was eager to impress people and I didn't have much, so this combination of wrong tendencies led me to take things that did not belong to me.

But that completely changed once I repented that the same me that would be looking for any opportunity to cheat someone and collect excess change, even when people do not get their calculations correctly after conducting a transaction with me or unknowingly give me excess change, I would immediately bring it to their knowledge and refund their money where applicable.

It was that easy for me to overcome the love of money, but that of sexual lusts was on the contrary not that easy for me as it took much longer for me to get it under control. It came to a point that I was asking God to do the same thing He did for me with the love of money and covetousness in the respect of sexual lust. So it wasn't easy at all for me to overcome it, but thanks be to God that He's answered my prayer as I have been able to overcome both immoral tendencies not just one of them.

If my experience was anything to go by, the answer to the question would sexual lust because it took me much longer to overcome it. However it seemed a pastor begged to differ with what he said to me sometime in the late nineties or thereabout which was, "if there was one issue pastors have and have not overcome yet is the love of money. It's the one thing that bring problem between pastors".

And he said that after the person he started a church with reneged on the money sharing agreement they had beforehand, so he made that comment out of disappointment and a feeling of betrayal of trust. And the person in question that betrayed his trust was his friend and colleague who he had graduated together with from WOFBI not long before they started the church, which is the now arguably the biggest in Port Harcourt.

So if we choose to go by his comment, it was love of money that was more difficult to overcome of the two, so the love of money is really an issue not just among believers but also church leaders, even some of the most respected ones because this was coming from a pastor himself and the person who did this to him is now one of the most respected church leaders in Nigeria. So he should have known what he was talking about even though such an idea is often dismissed to be unfounded by some, but that shouldn't be surprising because even the Pharisees who had such an issue in those days did same when Jesus confronted them about it.

So love of money is indeed also a big issue believers struggle with alongside sexual lusts, but regardless of whichever of two was more difficult to overcome, the truth is that with God it is not impossible. And my life and those of several others is a testament to that Truth.

So whichever it is of the two you're presently struggling with as a believer even if it be the both of them, God is able to deliver you and help you to overcome them. But first you have to be sincere and admit that you have such an issue, and be willing to leave it, then you sincerely ask God to help you to overcome them.

He could help you overcome as fast as He helped me in the respect of love of money, or it could take more time as that of sexual lust. But regardless don't give up but keep praying and fasting where need be, until you get to the point where the inclinations of the spirit begin to supercede such cravings of the flesh such as the love of money and sexual lust.

Eventually you'd find out that your ways are no longer conformed to those inclinations of the flesh but those of the spirit, to prove that you've overcome them. So what you just need to do at that point is to maintain that level by continuing in those spiritual exercises that got you there.

Matthew 26:41 (KJV)

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

God bless.

source http://www.nairaland.com/6286102/love-money-sexual-lust-which
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