I first thank Almighty God my Redeemer who delivered me from the shackles of porn and masturbation
I also extend my thanks to my lovely online support group on this forum, Masturbation Quitting Challenge Thread https://www.nairaland.com/5223408/masturbation-quitting-challenge-thread
This habit started in February 2017 when I accidentally discovered 'something' that gave me a skyrocketing sexual pleasure. It was all spontaneous, but I was very excited. I tried more. Enjoyed it. Tried again. That was the beginning of my doom. However, I thought I was really enjoying myself and exploring my sexuality. I later accompanied this habit with porn and it became a full-blown addiction
To keep this write-up from being too long, I would not be able to narrate my experience in details. I lost a lot. This habit cost me a lot. It nearly took away my sanity. I was so much addicted that I could never resist it. I just had to do it, even if I didn't want to. Some fateful nights, I did it right inside my church.. - I'd love to write more and continue, but let's just leave it like this to save time and space
God is good. I came across a support group which turned around my life. This community opened my eyes to a lot of truths, the bitter truths hidden by the society. I had been lied to about masturbation. This community is a brotherhood, yet anonymous. Everyone is free to share his true life story and real experience - as opposed to the media and the Internet's version. Our community is also full of testimonies. Members report drastic changes ranging from day 15 of abstinence - all which served as a great motivating factor. Our founder recently celebrated his 2 years freedom
I've experienced a lot of positive changes in every aspect of life - physical, spiritual, mental, social and relationship, financial, and psychological. Again, space won't permit me to be listing them singly - but trust me, I don't have anything to gain from lying or exaggerating. I am entirely a new person. How much I would like to list my achievements in the past one year!
Dear reader, if you masturbate and you are ready to quit for good, please and please take action NOW! You see, let me highlight some of the popular lies that were wrought from the pit of hell in order to promote this destructive habit and therefore deceive/destroy men
- Masturbation can be done in moderation. It's not a problem as long as you're not addicted
- Masturbation is the same as real sex
- It is a way to release some sexual tension so you don't end up raping or molesting females
- It boosts sexual health, eases stress, etc
You don't have to experience the bitter lessons by yourself. I'm giving you this life-saving truth for free. Many addicts realized the truth after 10, 20, and even 30 years of illusion. They look back in regrets. We have them in our community. Don't take this for granted. Do not experiment with your life. Quit masturbation now. I will not be able to list the evils associated with masturbation, all hidden from camera. Don't listen to what others say. You own your life - save yourself. Start now and go at least 30days free and prove me wrong!
If you think you can't do it, join us and you'll be surprised - no matter the level and duration of your addiction, you can be totally free. DO NOT LISTEN TO NAYSAYERS!
Years ago, I was a slave bossed around by this habit. Today as I speak, I lead a team fighting against masturbation and its related ally - pornography. The lovely warriors in our community made me their President. I'm so grateful and I'll forever be
Technically, today is my 400th day. I've never, not even for once, watched porn nor masturbated for more than a year now (impossible? Haha I also thought it was impossible). Today, I dedicate this landmark to my brother, Onelove508, who is also celebrating his one year freedom on this day. Hallelujah!
• God the Father, the Son and the Spirit
• Nairaland NoFap Community https://www.nairaland.com/5223408/masturbation-quitting-challenge-thread The Pioneer Nnamebuka and all my brothers there
• Global NoFap Community - Reddit, Fight the New Drug, NoFap YouTube channels et al
• Joseph Okechukwu YouTube
• Brian Tracy's No Excuses: The Power of Self-discipline
• Apks - Reboot, StopM, Iron Will
• Righteousness2 - Sir I made it!
• Mynd44, lalasticlala, Seun
• All Nairalanders
I couldn't have done this without you all
Long live the NoFap Community,
Long live Nairaland
The President,
Nairaland NoFap Community™
source http://www.nairaland.com/6751753/celebrating-one-year-victory-over-masturbation
Monday, 13 September 2021
"I Am Celebrating One-Year Victory Over Masturbation Addiction
September 13, 2021
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