
Friday 3 December 2021

Muslims & Protection Against Toilet Snakes


Following the viral video of the woman killed by a toilet snake in Abuja last week, calls for extra precautionary measures to reed our surroundings of rodents surfaced recently. Physical precautions are good of course, except that we are still vulnerable if we do not take spiritual precautions as well.

If you are a Muslim, you must believe in the jinn and that they live in toilets however clean and sophisticated the apartment. It is authentically credited to the Prophet also that they appear as snakes in homes.

All snakes in the bush must be killed, but the scholars are divergent on which snakes to spare in our homes with a warning to leave rather than killing them on impulse at first sight; however, they unanimously agree on the efficacy of the zikr taught by the Messenger againnst their evil. Before entering your toilet therefore, always say: اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث
( O Allah, I seek refuge with you against (all) male and female jinns.)

You may forget to weed your surroundings or take other precautions, but when a zikr becomes a part of your life, you would say it even unconsciously as you step into a toilet.

How fortunate it is to be a Muslim and upon the Sunnah.

Written by Shaykh Murtadho Adedokun

source http://www.nairaland.com/6878678/protection-against-toilet-snakes
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